Mobile appapplicative translation

Mobile application translation in a global and competitive market.

The translation of mobile applications into other languages is an increasingly requested service due to the growing use of smartphones and tablets.

Translation of apps includes the description of the application shop and advertising, as also the translation of the interface, user manuals and dialogues, guides, graphics, etc. When translating a mobile app, the translator must always use a pre-set terminology and style and pay attention to cultural differences that may exist in relation to the language in which the translation will be performed.

The translator must also bear in mind technical aspects that may interfere with the translation, such as character count limitations.

Therefore, it comes as no surprise that, given the demand for mobile software translation, more and more translators are becoming specialists in this field.

The work of a professional translator can prevent the incorrect or inaccurate use of a language from making an application difficult to use or causing it to be negatively perceived by users.
Some of the apps on the market are very poorly translated, and users find them difficult or even impossible to use.

Provision of an honest and correct service in all aspects, including language, is important for mobile apps to succeed on a highly competitive market.